At Kiddie Koop, we focus on problem solving, decision making and self-help, while promoting interpersonal communications. These are key elements which contribute to your child’s development, self esteem and confidence.
Kiddie Koop Children’s Enrichment Center is proud to be a fully accredited program through the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) and addresses each child individually.
“The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation was established in 1991 to encourage quality and recognize excellence in early childhood programs throughout the United States and other countries.”
Achieving these NECPA accreditation standards helps improve the quality and commitment of our childcare programs!
Our mission is to build confidence and a love of learning, giving your child a solid foundation for a healthy and happy life.
Our longtime teaching staff is dedicated to helping each child discover their unique potential ~ academically, socially, and inter-personally. (Many of our wonderful staff have been here over twenty years!)
We invite you to learn more about us by viewing more of our website, and we encourage you to visit our classrooms soon.